Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Players

Alpha Quadrant Powers

The Federation - Consisting of over a hundred planets, their deeply held notions of non-interventionism and egalitarian benevolence may prove difficult to maintain during times of war. They are enjoying a golden age of peace, prosperity and exploration after the Khitomer Accords brought an end to conflict between them and the Klingon Empire.

The Klingon Empire - At peace with the Federation but still not part of it. The Klingons are ever the war-loving species. They value honor and combat above all other things. Much like the barbarian horde at the gates of ancient Rome. Their role in the coming conflicts will be made clear eventually. Suffice it to say, the Federation will be grateful for having hawkish allies. 

The Romulan Star Empire - Deeply suspicious of outsiders. Their spy network, the Tal Shiar, has a long reach. Their relationship with the Federation is not dissimilar from US relations with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The two powers maintain a halt to aggressive activities following a war nearly three centuries ago by respecting a neutral zone that buffers the two regions. Romulans are, to repeat a favored quote, "so predictably treacherous."

The Cardassian Union - As cold, xenophobic and calculating as the Romulans, but not as isolationist. Their domestic politics are governed by Prelates. They created a police state to provide resources to a civilization devastated by plague. Now, the family and the state compete for dominance in Cardassian culture. The Obsidian Order is its intelligence agency. It spied on its own people as much as other powers.

The Ferengi Alliance - The wide-eared Ferengi represent a cautionary tale of the excesses of avarice and unmitigated capitalism. They are governed by the Rules of Aquisition and Bill of Opportunities. Their government is headed by a Grand Nagus in the Tower of Commerce, backed by a Board of Liquidators. Their culture is so extremely and unabashedly greedy that funeral services for men of great stature often constitutes an auctioning off of the desiccated remains.

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