IR Theory
Realist - Power is everything. This school of thought holds that states will operate solely on the cold logic of how to obtain and maintain power. The ends always justifies the means and principle is the first casualty of war, even if the rhetoric appears to claim value and ideas to be the motive behind state actions. It's every state for themselves in a dog eat dog world.
Idealist - The school of thought that holds to principles before power. States seek to accomplish their international goals through cooperation with other nations. This is usually done through institutions like the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the IMF, World Bank etc. The European Union is a regional trade bloc that seeks to establish peace through open borders, standardized trade rules and a common currency. The governing institutions within the EU are another example of idealism.
Types of Government
Democratic - Any kind of representative government where voting is an integral part of the political process. Democracies are measured by how liberal they are. This refers to freedom of elections, fair competition, separation of powers, civilian rule of military, protection of human rights, civil liberties and equality, freedoms of speech and rule of law. There is room for debate over which types of electoral systems are more fair and representative.
Authoritarian - One big guy in charge. Can be weak or strong. Worst is totalitarian. Scariest is the super-dogmatic. May at times be interchangeable with "fascist" for far right wing versions, "communist" for far left, or "statist."
Praetorian - Ruled by a military junta. Might makes right. At the extreme, warfare or hunting becomes ritualistic in all levels of society (marriage, coming of age, selecting leadership, redressing grievances, criminal justice, etc.)
Types of Government Engagement
Federalist - States band together to form a union, confederacy, trade bloc or permanent alliance to share power and resources for mutual gains in security and prosperity.
Imperialist -A single aggressive, expansionist state forcefully or covertly derives power from other subjugated client states. Often, this is in order to exploit resources or foreign markets. Satrap-style governors are usually implanted by the Imperial power to act as subordinate administrators. In some cases, a massive military force can be compiled from the existing forces of defeated civilizations.
Isolationist - Pretty much how it sounds. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. At its worst, there are no trade relations, diplomacy or communication of any kind between states. Can sometimes be synonymous with "protectionist."
Star Trek Mythos
Alpha Quadrant -The milky way is divided into four sections. Alpha Quadrant is home. That's were earth and the Federation is the predominant power. It's also where the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union and the Ferengi Alliance are major regional powers. The Beta Quadrant has been partially explored by the Federation. The Delta Quadrant is far, far away and is the home of the Borg. This quadrant is featured in ST: Voyager. The Gamma Quadrant is also far, far away and is accessible by the Bajoran Wormhole. Several powers new to the Federation exist here, none more powerful nor menacing than the Dominion.
United Federation of Planets -The predominant power in the Alpha Quadrant. It is a federal republic between semi-autonomous planets who have agreed to work together under a single government. They share their knowledge and resources in peaceful cooperation and believe in principles of universal liberty, sentient rights and equality. The four founding species are Humans, Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites.
Starfleet - a humanitarian and peacekeeping force of the Federation. Effectively a military but also important members of the diplomacy, science and exploration arm of the Federation. Their vessels often contain families of crew members. Every ship is conceived as both a hawk and a dove. Peaceful is the default setting but they are war-ready if the situation demands it. Any individual can enlist, even if their race is not represented as members of the Federation.
Prime Directive -Also known as Starfleet General Order 1. It contains the main guiding laws and ethical values of the federation. Essentially, its constitution. The main element of the PD prohibits the interference with other cultures and civilizations, specifically with undeveloped or Pre-Warp societies, even with the best of intentions. Starfleet officers swear an oath to uphold the Prime Directive even at the cost of their own lives.
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